Essential tremor occurs when one is under high stress. Symptoms of essential tremor are found on varying parts of the body such as the head, hand, chin, voice, or even the whole body. When symptoms become severe, one may have difficulties in carrying out chores in daily life.
Essential tremor is a result of involuntary reaction of muscles, which harden when one is undergoing a stressful situation. For instance, head tremor occurs when one’s neck muscles harden; tremor is a compensatory action of loosening the tension on neck muscles. Sometimes, essential tremor occurs on more than one part of the body: This treatment is about essential tremor. It should be noted that this is fundamentally different from the treatment for Parkinson’s Disease, which results from malfunctioning of the brain.
It is common that people with essential tremor suffer simultaneously from other types of neurosis such as insomnia, sleep disorder, chest pain, anxiety, and social phobia disorder or in severe cases, depression, panic disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and obsessive compulsive disorder. People with neurosis are likely to experience essential tremor due to their hypersensitive personalities and characteristics. As mentioned above, muscles tremor as a compensatory mechanism to relax the tension in muscles.
Since the cause of essential tremor is rooted in neurosis, it is imperative to treat neurotic symptoms. Treatment of neurotic symptoms is far more effective than treating respective muscles, which is only a temporary means of stopping the tremor. In other words, the treatment of essential tremor should be about dealing with neurotic symptoms that the patient normally suffers in daily life such as insomnia, sleeping disorder, social phobia disorder, anxiety, and others.
Dr. Hwa Soo Hwang published following clinical case studies after inventing Chimsband and Chims-vest, patented products for treating neurotic symptoms: has been published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine (CTIM), and has been published in Journal: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. These clinical case studies demonstrate that the treatment treats both essential tremor as well as other neurotic symptoms such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and others that originated as side-effects of essential tremor: It can be concluded that essential tremor, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue have the same root of the cause, which is imbalance of neurotransmitters. This imbalance of neurotransmitters is especially common to people with hypersensitive personalities, who feel stress easily.
People who are treated with Chimsband and Chims-vest go through the following cycle, which is the process of restoring the balance of neurotransmitters.
First, the quality of sleep improves. The patient who would have normally suffered from neck and shoulder tension will experience a more relaxed status of the body.
Second, the relaxation of body leads to relieving of other neurotic symptoms such as anxiety or palpitation of heart. Reaching this stage usually takes up to 2 months.
Third, there is improvement in severe neurotic symptoms such as panic disorder, depression or obsessive compulsive neurosis, in which essential tremor also halts. Reaching this stage usually takes up 3-4 months.
Currently, essential tremor is treated as a genetic disorder that cannot be completely cured. However, from clinical cases above, it can be concluded that the “genetic” transmittance of essential tremor is not in the structure of the DNA but in the resemblance of characteristics amongst family members.
It should be noted that the treatment with Chimsband and Chims-vest will not alter one’s hypersensitive personality. The treatment is only effective in dissipating the neurotic symptoms. Once the body has regained the balance of neurotransmitters, the treatment no longer stimulates the body.
1. Place finger(s) perpendicular to the chest and pain to identify the pain is.
2. Press and rub the area to narrow down the location of pain.
3. Apply Chimsband in a way that the location of pain as well as surrounding area is covered.
4. If you cannot locate the exact area of where pain is, it is possible that the pain might be dormant. In this case, cover the entire area near where you experience the pain.
5. Change Chimsband once a day. You can keep it on while taking a shower.